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Nice to come across your blog, Bob. Hope you are well. What amazing things have happened. For me, as you might imagine, it's good to be at Northwestern.

Owen Youngman
Knight Professor of Digital Media Strategy
Medill / Northwestern

Great to hear from you, Owen.

I have such fond memories of Northwestern where, during World War II, I was invited to scrimmage against the basketball varsity. The invitation came from "Dutch" Lonborg, then the Wildcats coach, later athletic director at the University of Kansas. Hell of a nice guy.

During Christmas of 1944, I played briefly with Otto Graham, on leave from North Carolina Pre-Flight. Graham may have been a better basketball player than football, as difficult as that is to believe.

Two of the Northwestern players I played against were Max Morris (also an end on the football team) and Ben Schadler.

Again, thanks for the note. My health is excellent--particularly for a guy who will be 86 in May.


wicked blog, it is going on my twitter.

wicked blog, it is going on my twitter.

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