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I like you on facebook and follow through google reader!

I seriously enjoyed reading this write-up. I got so immersed that I almost forgot that I have kept eggs to boil. Good man, you should be a great person with profound knowledge. Is my guess right???

Hello, Jordan

Glad you enjoyed the piece about broadcasting and bootlegging in the Pacific Northwest.

My mother, who died 15 years ago at age 96, thought I had some potential. Writing is fun but the truth is
that what writers really do is re-write.

Again, thanks for your comment.

Bob Sanders

It's a pity more people aren't looking for journalists in Northern Ireland! Maybe I should point them to this blog. Thanks for taking the time to write it.

Hello, Jordan

Your kind words are most welcome. You might be interested in a column I wrote some seven months ago about Rory McIlroy and what a delightful contrast he is to so many contemporary athletes.

It's called "McIlroy, a Hero for Our Times." Hope you enjoy it.

Bob Sanders

It's a pity more people aren't looking for journalists in Northern Ireland! Maybe I should point them to this blog. Thanks for taking the time to write it.

Je pense que vous avez raison quand vous dites cela. Chapeau l'homme, ce qu'est une

connaissance superlatif que vous avez sur ce sujet ... espérons voir plus de travail de

la vôtre.

best wishes!

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