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Bob, we must have less than 6 degrees of separation. I recently was reminded I'd like to watch Lawrence of Arabia again, and as for Dr. Zhivago, my wife made me re-watch it back in the early 90s before I was headed to Siberia (after the Soviet breakup) in a December.

It was just as cold as the silver screen, and the culture had not progressed much since the flick's era. Oh, there were more 'cars' like Ladas, and the majority of them in Krasnoyarsk and Tomsk had cracked windshields. I was told they don't bother to replace them until Spring, because they would surely crack again from the cold and potholed roads. And as a decades-long journalist, I was over there creating and training journalists in the newly-hatched independent TV stations. They came from all backgrounds--former sub commanders to biologists to whatever. From time to time, Vladimir Posner would join me in leading seminars in Moscow.

I spent much of that decade back and forth in Russia and a half dozen former Soviet republics doing the same thing, while Yeltsin let it happen (he was sauced much of the time anyway), until a little guy named Putin came in and reversed every achievement my 'students' and their stations had made for their people. Now, a lot of bodies are left behind until who knows when in the future Spring will bloom in truth there again. And so it goes...

Good to hear from you, Reliable Robert. A fan of "Guys & Dolls," I recall good old reliable Nathan, Nathan, Nathan Nathan Detroit. I'm not sure I qualify as reliable but relevant, perhaps.
Then, again, maybe I'm Blessay Bob. Blessayists are bloggers who write essays, a subject I penetrated in the prior posting during which I invented the word.
Google Stuart Loory who comes in at the end of my current piece. Stu was a long-time CNN Moscow correspondent as was Mike McGuire who toiled for the Chicago Tribune. Jim Yuenger, also of the Trib,
reported from Moscow after Loory but before McGuire.

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